For over 40 years South West Lancashire Independent Community Advice Network has continued to work as a grass roots organisation providing quality advice and support on Employment Law, Welfare Rights and Money Advice.

Our services are free, accessible and client friendly and are delivered from our base at the Ecumenical Centre and at a number of outreach venues.

Our Vision

South West Lancashire Independent Community Advice Network (SWLICAN or ICAN for short.) is a driver of social inclusion through the provisions of accessible resources, training and social activities for individuals and local Voluntary, Community and Faith organisations in West Lancashire.

ICAN’s basic philosophy is the empowerment of people to be active citizens who are able to help themselves, either by accessing services or volunteering and employment opportunities. We want people to be able to solve their problems themselves by providing them with the necessary life skills, confidence, resources and facilities to do so.

Our Aims

South West Lancashire Independent Community Advice Network is a grass roots organisation which aims to provide quality advice and support on Employment Law, Welfare Rights, Debt, Health and Safety, plus support on ICT

Our aims are to provide a free, accessible and customer friendly service delivered through a network of community-based venues to help people overcome the effects of social and economic exclusion.


  • Jimmy McDermott - Senior Adviser
  • John Earle - Welfare Rights Adviser
  • Lynne Dempsey - Benefits & Money Adviser
  • Ian Appleton - Benefits Adviser
  • Sara De Jesus - Volunteer
  • Jill Tugwell - Volunteer

Specialising in Welfare Benefits, Disability Benefits, Employment Law, Debt and Money Advice, Training, Volunteering Opportunities

Providing FREE, independent and confidential advice

  • Jan Fitzsimons - Project Development Officer and Administration

Management Committee

Chair-Paul McConnell, David Vickers, John Fleet, Cllr Gareth Dowling, Cllr Janice Monaghan, Cllr Vickie Cummins, Charles Evans, Tess Reddington, John Earle, George Hughes


What we did in 2023

We saw over 3000 clients

We recovered over £1.5 million in benefits for people - which helps to support the local economy

Our assistance increased up to 100% from 2022

Our Debt Advice services have helped to increase financial security and decrease money problems for many people, leading to better mental wellbeing

We set up new outreach services in Tarleton Library to complement our current outreach in Burscough and Ormskirk to reach the wider community 

We worked with, and helped, over 75 organisations from across the North West and the wider UK

We conducted a Cash First Research Project, discovering how a 'cash first' approach assists people, with our cients in West Lancs

Contact us for details - admin@swlican.org

Member of Advice UK 

© Copyright 2020 SWLICAN - South West Lancashire Independent Network Advice Network

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