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Benefits are not a gift, they are an entitlement, they should help provide for yourself and your family and allow you to live your life with dignity when your income is insufficient for your needs. Government figures show that up to an estimated £10 billion of pension credit, housing benefit and income support were left unclaimed in a single year, leaving them missing out on an average £2500 per family. Benefits are generally spent locally, meaning it doesn’t just help you but supports the local economy as well.
If you are unsure, a first step may be to check your entitlement. There are 28 types of benefit that you may be entitle to. Our advisers can skilfully and quickly take you through your own personal situation and tell you what you will or may be entitled to.
You can be sure that everything discussed is confidential. Forms can be complex and unclear, and it can be easy to misinterpret a question. Our four benefits advisers have over 30 years’ experience, and provide information, advice and support, free of charge. Our advisers will either provide advice and guidance or complete your forms with you. All the advisers will need is for you to make available to them all the information they have requested, so that they can provide you with accurate and correct advice.
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